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Boris Johnsons speech.

Oppdatert: 30. mar. 2020

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this under his speech about the Corona virus, dated 23.03.2020:

«Good evening. The Corona virus is the biggest threat this country has faced in decades, and this country is not alone. All over the world, they are seeing the devestating impact of this invisible killer. Tonight I want to update you on the latest steps we are taking to fight this disease. And what you could do to help us. I wanna begin by reminding you of why the UK has taken approach to this case. Without a huge national effort that hope that the growth of this virus will come to an end. There will come a moment where no health care service in the world could cope with this disease, because there would'nt be enough ventilators, no intensive care unit and not enough doctors and nurses"

"If we see this in a else way. In other countries that also has a fantastic health care system, this is the moment of real danger. To put it simply, if too many people become seriously unwell at one time, the NHS would be unable to handle it, meaning more people are likely to die, not just from Corona virus but from other illnesses as well. It's vital to slow the spread of this disease, because that is the way to get control on the virus, and we reduce the number of people needing hospital treatments. So we can protect the HMS'S ability and cope with this situation and save more lives. That’s why we are asking people to stay at home during this pandemic"

"And though many people are complaining, I thank you all. The time is now come for us all to do more. From this evening, I must give the British people a very simple instruction, you must stay at home. Because that is the critical thing we all must do, to stop the disease spreading between households.That is why people only would be allowed to leave their home valuing very limited purposes"

Boris Johnson sa under talen hans om Koronaviruset, at dette er den største trusselen dette landet har hatt på tiår. Han sa også at hvis ingen holdt seg inne, ville det komme en tid hvor helsevesenet ikke kunne håndtere denne sykdommen, fordi det ikke ville være nok ventilatorer, leger og sykepleiere. Han sa det er viktig og bremse spredningen av denne sykdommen, slik at vi får kontroll på viruset og reduserer antallet som trenger sykehus behandling. Boris sa at folk måtte holde seg inne.

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